L3Harris is a defense contractor that produces technology for the military around the world. After delivering 10,000 Enhanced Night Vision Goggle-Binoculars (ENVG-B) to the U.S. Army– L3Harris wanted to make a big splash to celebrate this milestone.
L3Harris is a defense contractor that produces technology for the military around the world. After delivering 10,000 Enhanced Night Vision Goggle-Binoculars (ENVG-B) to the U.S. Army– L3Harris wanted to make a big splash to celebrate this milestone.
We created a homepage takeover, animated social media posts directing the audience to an interactive landing page, and a print ad highlighting this major milestone. Since the technology is quite complex, we aimed to simplify and clearly communicate its benefits to the audience. Additionally, this campaign served to recognize the perseverance of the night vision team in reaching this significant achievement.
We created a homepage takeover, animated social media posts directing the audience to an interactive landing page, and a print ad highlighting this major milestone. Since the technology is quite complex, we aimed to simplify and clearly communicate its benefits to the audience. Additionally, this campaign served to recognize the perseverance of the night vision team in reaching this significant achievement.

*The homepage takeover has since been updated to showcase different technology. This link is no longer available. The video below shows the user interaction.